Neurological Check-Up in Germany

Duration: 1 day
The examination is conducted on an ambulatory basis

Types of the diagnostics:

  • Initial medical examination, medical history analysis, conducting the differential diagnosis, formation of further examination program
  • Assessment of the patient’s neurological status (cranial nerve function, reflexes, sensory response, and coordination of movements)
  • Evaluation of the patient’s psychiatric status, including potential identification of mental or cognitive disorders (orientation in time and space, level of consciousness, emotional state, presence/degree of depression)
  • Assessment of vascular wall condition and blood flow analysis using Doppler ultrasonography (USDG) and duplex scanning (DS)
  • Evaluation of brain cortex condition using EEG (electroencephalography); detection of cerebral blood flow impairments due to stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and other central nervous system disorders; diagnosis of epilepsy and determination of seizure types
  • Assessment of nerve conduction and the condition of peripheral nerves (functionality and structural integrity of motor neurons, nerves, neuromuscular junctions, and muscles)
  • Evaluation of memory status and identification of memory deficits (resulting from traumatic brain injuries, strokes, or other diseases)
  • Assessment of the optic nerve and visual pathway (retrobulbar neuritis, ischemic neuropathy, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, degenerative eye diseases)
  • Diagnostics using MRI/CT if indicated
  • Medical report
  • Final consultation with the doctor

Application for diagnostics

Apply now, and our highly qualified staff quickly and professionally choose specialized clinics and physician and prepare visa invitation from the clinic. Application processing time varies from a few hours to 2-3 working days (depending on the complexity of the inquiry).